After appointment guide

What's next?
You will receive an approval email from the Office of Medical Marijuana Use within 7-14 business days.
  • If you don’t receive an email within that time frame, or receive one that indicates the application was rejected, please contact our office and we’ll sort it out.
My orders
Today, the doctor will place your MMJ orders for up to 7 months maximum, your order will include all the different routes available to purchase.
  • To check your Orders and available mgs, you may login to: Use the email you provided to our office for login. We set up a password for you during your application process, please ask the office staff about your password.
  • When you recertification is due (within 7 months), we will reach out to you to schedule your next doctor's appointment. This process is required by the State for you to continue to purchase medical marijuana.
Cannabis Products
Familiarize yourself with the cannabis products available from the nearby dispensaries.
  • Check out our Cannabis Product Guide to help you understand the different product types, how they work, and how long their effects last.
Dispensary Plan
Whether or not you’re new to cannabis therapy, it’s best to have a plan before making your first dispensary visit.
CBD & THC Ratios in Products
One of the most important factors to consider in cannabis products is the CBD to THC ratio and the general effects the specific product is known to produce.
Euphoric or High Effects: What to Expect
Many people have no idea what to expect from cannabis highs.

We take the stress out of getting your medical marijuana card.


Qualified Patients in Florida *


Qualified Physicians in Florida *

* As of July 22, 2022. source: